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Hollydell Parents At It Again!

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Not ALL RH parents are trash - the 10U AAA is gentle.


--- Quote from: Guest on February 22, 2024, 05:16:39 PM ---Not ALL RH parents are trash - the 10U AAA is gentle.

--- End quote ---

10U AAA parents are nice. 12UAAA parents are scumbags and the team is one of the dirtiest you will ever play.

I was there for the game after, it was def the coach for hollydell
He left the bench, across the ice to get into the fight.
Animals lead by animals.

The moms from hollydell were stomping on the benches, standing on the seats and shaking the glass… the hollydell parents all seemed to work in unison to attack the man in red.
The one guys unloading punches on the guy in red was later bragging he was a police officer.. guess that’s why the police have “no info” hahaha typical trash shit and police coverup.

Not sure if livebarn was locked or not but the Rocket Parent in Red gets up from the bench area on the other side and walks across to go sit with the opposing parents.  He moved 30 ft to engage with opposing parents.  The short video shown only shows a small piece.  Was this guy drunk? He allowed his son to follow his stupidity.  That guy was the main culprit.  Just sad all around but alcohol in youth sports doesn't belong. And that Red jacket dude probably drove his family home drunk.

Youth sports isn't a bar or your backyard for you to get drunk.  Stay home and do that and watch on livebarn.

Red jacket drunk dude got up form his teams side and purposely went over to the other teams side with 5-6 minutes left to start something.  The idiot puts his son in a bad situation.  Red jacket drunk was one of those idiots with cowbells.  He goes over to the other side to rub in their lead like he is playing. Guy had his beer muscles in full form.

Just sad all around.


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