Forum > General Youth Hockey Info

How do I post a new topic?


Youth Hockey Info:
This topic is for everybody including guests but mainly for clubs/teams/coaches/instructors etc. who have documents they'd like to share. Such as registration forms, announcements, official notifications or memos and other various forms of documentation.

Post a new topic

* Click on the "New Topic" button in the forum of your choice. I strongly suggest the "General Forum" as it gets the majority of the traffic on this site.
* Add a descriptive "Subject", example: Find Out What's Going On At Our Rink
* Add a "Description", (not required)
* Add your "Message Body". Write all of the details of your post. You can use the editor tools to add additional matter such as emojis, images, URL's and message formatting.
* How do I post an image in my topic? Right click on the image you want to hotlink from the website you found the image on. Select "Copy". Before you start typing your topic you'll need to right click and "Paste" the image URL in image tags, [See code below]
--- Code: ---[img][/img]
--- End code ---

* Attachments - You can add an attachment to your post by clicking the + sign "Attachmets and Other Options" under your topic you typed up, (You must be registered to add attachments).

There is a + symbol below the message body, (+ Attachments and other options). Only members can add attachments such as fliers in .pdf / .doc(x) / jpeg/jpg / excel etc. Guests do not have this permission. If you would like to register and remain anonymous, I strongly suggest creating a user name which is uncommon and not similar to any other which might be already known to others.

IMPORTANT! Guests must pass the security check by entering two codes before submitting. It's standard practice on every public website which allows submission of data from an unverified source. The security measures prohibit unsolicited fraudulent activity meant to infect websites with spyware and viruses.

After a post is made it automatically goes public. After review we will release to Twitter and FB groups and pages for auto posting on social media.

We will typically also add an image to new topics that don't have one.

If there are any questions or concerns, feel free to respond to this topic or use the contact form to send us an email.

Thanks for all the details. I'm new to this forum this really helps

How do I start a poll?

Youth Hockey Info:

--- Quote from: Guest on November 15, 2021, 08:27:01 AM ---How do I start a poll?

--- End quote ---
Post a new topic and submit it. After its submitted look above your topic for add a poll. Click on that and follow the steps to add.


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