Author Topic: COVID19 AAHA - Important hockey family survey  (Read 22067 times)

COVID19 AAHA - Important hockey family survey
Topic: April 23, 2020, 09:27:30 AM
This email was sent out last night by the AAHA regarding the 20-21 season. If you didn't receive it or did but didn't have an opportunity to complete. Here is the content of the email with a copy of the survey.

Dear AAHA Youth & Girls Travel Hockey Families,

On behalf of the AAHA, we hope you are managing these challenging times and most importantly that everyone is healthy at home.

Our AAHA Leadership team is reviewing various issues, scenarios and suggestions from our Clubs, Leagues and Rinks in order to prepare for the 2020-21 season. The work would not be complete without the input of our member families.

We would ask that you take just less than five minutes to answer a brief anonymous survey.

Thank you in advance for your time and valuable input.
Begin Survey
Stay Healthy,

Glenn Hefferan
AAHA President
[email protected]


On behalf of the AAHA, we appreciate you completing this brief anonymous survey. The results of your feedback will be shared with Affiliate, and League so as to best structure the timing of tryouts, contracting and other important issues for the upcoming hockey season.

Please indicate the State in which your club (from the 2019-20 season) is based. *
  • Delaware
  • New Jersey
  • New York (Atlantic District section)
  • Pennsylvania
  • We participate in travel hockey associations located in more than 1 State.

How many of your children (age 18 and younger) will participate in travel hockey in the 2020-21 season? *
  • One
  • Two
  • Three
  • More than 3


The next three questions pertain specifically to each of your children that played hockey last season. Please provide an applicable response to each, however if you DO NOT have more than one (1) child playing hockey, then select NOT APPLICABLE for the 2nd and 3rd child responses.

If you only have one (1) child playing hockey, please indicate the appropriate level in which they competed in the 2019-2020 season. If you have more than one (1) child, please select the level for your oldest child. *
  • Tier II 12U or Younger
  • Tier II 14U or Older
  • Tier I 12U or Younger
  • Tier I 14U or Older
  • Other - InHouse, Scholastic, Junior

If you have two children playing hockey, for the 2nd oldest child, please indicate the appropriate level in which they competed in the 2019-2020 season. *
  • Not Applicable
  • Tier II 12U or Younger
  • Tier II 14U or Older
  • Tier I 12U or Younger
  • Tier I 14U or Older
  • Other - ie. In-House, Scholastic, Junior

If you have three (3) children playing hockey, for the 3rd oldest child, please indicate the appropriate level in which they competed in the 2019-2020 season. *
  • Not Applicable
  • Tier II 12U or Younger
  • Tier II 14U or Older
  • Tier I 12U or Younger
  • Tier I 14U or Older
  • Other - ie. In-House, Scholastic, Junior

In light of the COVID-19 Pandemic, please select the answer that best reflects your opinion. "With Ice Rinks opened for business, the financial impact... *
  • ...will not prevent my kid(s) from playing ice hockey this season.
  • ...may have a modest effect on my kid(s) playing ice hockey this season.
  • ...may have a significant effect on my kid(s) playing ice hockey this season
  • ...may cause our family to drastically reduce youth hockey participation for the coming season.

Tryouts and contracting normally occur simultaneously, however under the circumstances, do you find it understandable that Clubs may wish to offer families a player agreement or contract and request a deposit payment without holding immediate physical tryouts? *
  • Yes
  • No
  • I am not sure

If contracting for the 2020-21 season is to occur without an immediate physical tryout, what would be a reasonable date for that to occur? *
  • Immediately
  • No contracting without tryouts
  • On or after May 15, 2020
  • On or after June 1, 2020
  • On or after June 15, 2020
  • On or after July 1, 2020

From the list below, please check ANY statement that may be applicable to you, relative to the 2020-21 travel hockey season. (Statements appear in random order) *
  • Our family can't wait for youth hockey to resume.
  • We want to play summer hockey too.
  • We may have to consider not playing ice hockey this season.
  • I'd like Minimal overnight travel requirements.
  • I believe travel requirements should be the same as last season
  • I'd like no required air travel next season.
  • Rinks can't open soon enough.
  • Concerned next season will be shortened.
  • We will make additional sacrifices so our children can play ice hockey this season.
  • I hope we don't need to stay in hotels this season.
  • No Summer hockey is ok with me.
  • I am concerned social distancing may impact parents watching practices and games.

Do you have any additional comments you'd like to share with the AAHA Leadership? If you have specific concerns and would like someone from our Leadership team to contact you, please feel free to leave your name, number and the name of the league(s), if applicable, that your kids participate.

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Reply #1:
 April 23, 2020, 09:47:42 AM
If I pay more can i pick what team my son plays for?

In all seriousness,  is the district talking to the orgs about lowering the cost considering the state of the economy and also considering most people arent getting all that spring summer ice that is included in most packages...
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Reply #2:
 April 23, 2020, 11:39:26 AM
Part of lifting restrictions will be monitoring and tracking all cases and enacting quarantines of all contacts, for the foreseeable future, at least through winter and possibly into fall 2021.

How does that work for even one travel team, playing at two rinks in one weekend, coming into contact with staff, officials, other players, that now has a "hot spot" of positive cases? And since kids are known carriers and can transmit the diease, but not necessarily symptomatic, if officials or coaches become ill, the assumption needs to be kids must have it.

Are entire teams quarantined? What happens to their games? What happens if we start losing officials, even to long illnesses? What happens to the rinks they've played at -- are we assuming every rink is "wiped down" and sanitized after each team leaves? What happens if the season starts, then rinks need to close again due to hot spots -- what happens to the season, to the money paid, etc.?

I don't see this season happening. At least not travel hockey. And not if there are restrictions on gatherings of more than 50 people.

The best bet to get kids back on the ice and just skating and not shut down entire rinks in a region again is to have people register at one rink for the season within their region (x-mile radius).

That's where you practice and play in-house games (eventually).

No parents/fans in stands. No exceptions.

No locker rooms -- come to rink dressed, walk in with hard guards on, get in, get on, get off, go home.

Start with skating practice and individual drills. Low numbers on ice. Eventually, as restrictions lift, some scrimmages, pick-up games, possibly some neighboring rink games.

Coaches and officials wear masks. Temperature taken before entering the building, every time.

No contact with staff.

There's no way there is a safe way to do travel hockey, with kids from hot spots like Jersey and Philly and Delaware and their families traveling all over the region, or kids and families from other regions traveling into Philly, Jersey, Delaware. Not this year.

The goal needs to be just to get the kids on the ice, see their friends, get some exercise. Anything beyond that is setting them up for more disappointment.

As a high-contact sport, hockey will be scrutinized and the last to come out of lockdown. We need to be proactive and have a plan to be OK with less hockey so our kids get some hockey.
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Reply #3:
 April 23, 2020, 12:05:54 PM
I want to preface this saying I at no point believe in putting people at harm or do I want to see people pass away from something like this but your comments are so far too one side. If everything you are saying is true why doesn't this stuff happen for influenza/flu? People buy into the media hype of COVID-19 being more fatal than everything out there. Its simply not true. Many more people have it or have had it then we know. I think everyone can agree its highly contagious and we arent doing a good job getting folks tested. Therefore it shows you we dont know the numerator. Its likely just as fatal as the flu or less. No one really knows.  My point is if this is how we are going to act with every type of viral infection then we should do it for all and become hermits. If you can go to the grocery store why cant you go to the hockey rink? If so many people have it and its very contagious you are being exposed even at essential businesses.
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Reply #4:
 April 23, 2020, 12:19:43 PM
You can go to the grocery store with minimal contact -- staying 6 feet apart.

And right now, in PA, you can only do it because we are in almost complete lockdown. One of the ways we get out of complete lockdown is testing and tracking of cases, and with quarantine.

I'm not arguing disease facts or who believe what or why, just putting up the facts as to how lifting restrictions is most likely going to work. My friend talked about going to a barber in Georgia after the reopening, and the process to get in and out of the shop was complicated and involved many steps, multiple uses of disposable gloves and face masks.

A dym that has opened elsewhere in the country must have all customers wearing masks, temperature checks before entering...these businesses don't want to open, only to close again.

This isn't going to change any time soon. So again, in spite of what people think is fair or necessary or reality or conspiracy, there are going to be layers of restrictions for every activity for the foreseeable future.

Now. How do we get kids on the ice again, just skating, maybe later playing some games, within the restrictions?

How do we show we can follow the rules and even go above and beyond in keeping people safe so that we're next in line to get our sport back?

In Pennsylvania, the next Phase of opening does not even include gyms or indoor sports facilities, so we need to wait for Phase 3 to even think about getting back on the ice.
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Reply #5:
 April 23, 2020, 12:53:27 PM
Reply #2 has it right. There is no way to keep the kids and community safe this upcoming season if you restart hockey. A vaccine will not be available by then and multiple sources have said that we will have a 2nd wave in the fall. Take the AYHL for example. They play teams mostly in NY and NJ, the 2 states with the highest infection tolls. So if one kid were to get sick you quarantine the whole team and then every team that they played for the past 2 weeks? Not to mention multiple teams in the area share their practice slots with another team so then you quarantine that team too? It's just not possible.
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Reply #6:
 April 23, 2020, 01:05:00 PM
To the author of the fourth post (reply #3)....

In the US, COVID has killed 47,000 people...and roughly two months.  The Flu kills five months. 
COVID has only killed 47,000 people because of the mitigation efforts put in place by the states.  Obviously the mitigation efforts for the "regular flu" aren't as severe. 

People who have COVID and don't show symptoms are threats to those who don't currently have it and don't have the ability to fight it.

You can go to the supermarket because you need food to live.  You don't need a hockey rink or any of several dozens other types of establishments to live.  Shopping for food and essentials are a necessary risk.   The stay at home orders are driving down the risk. 

Agreed...we don't truly know the scope of this outbreak and the future threats until we implement widespread testing.  We are a little bit away from that. 
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Reply #7:
 April 23, 2020, 01:42:27 PM
Serious question to think about. If the reason that this is being done is for the rinks to have income. If the fees are paid and the owners spend the money, what happens if the season is canceled or dramatically shortened? Who will be responsible for returning the money if the owners already spent it?
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Reply #8:
 April 23, 2020, 01:44:04 PM
You people need to live life. My God.
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Reply #9:
 April 23, 2020, 02:55:20 PM
"You people need to live life. My God."

Good grief, of course that's exactly what people want to do.

After age, the top three high-risks for COVID-19 serious morbidity are high blood pressure, diabetes and obesity. Now add on a fall flu season -- so even if it's "just the flu" we now have double flu in the fall.

We now have a ton of restrictions on what can and can't be done, and those will extend through the summer at least, and most likely into fall.

What's your practical, workable idea for "living life" and getting rid of all government restrictions so youth sports can go on as normal? What exactly do you want business owners to risk for you?

People need to wrap their heads around what is and not get caught up in wishful thinking, or we're going to find ourselves right where we started in the fall and without any plan to get kids on the ice, at all, and that's even if it's financially viable for rinks to open with reduced numbers on the ice. You willing to practice at 4 a.m. if that what it takes for rinks to keep numbers down on each ice session and afford to keep rinks open, not even thinking about turning a profit?

Start thinking about Plans A, B, C, D and E now. And make them doable. If the rinks open and there are no restrictions -- least likely -- great! But if they don't, now what? Field sports with less contact will come back before indoor sports. How many kids are you willing to completely lose to other sports because people want an "all or nothing" with travel hockey?

Although, if field sports open in the fall in some limited way before hockey, encourage kids to play in low/no contact field sports -- maybe even as their hockey team in pick-up games -- and stay in shape and see each other that way.

Just get them on the ice in the fall, skating again at low/no contact clinics, seeing friends, and when and if we're ever ready for limited games or even scrimmages this season, great. My guess is most kids would be happy with that right now, probably more happy than most of the adults involved.

Again, if everything is allowed to go as normal in September, great. But what's that saying? "Wish in one hand...."
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