Forum > General Youth Hockey Info

2024-25 Movement

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This flyers elite guy needs to let it go move on it’s a new season

CO and JP have to be the two biggest scumbags South Jersey youth hockey has to offer.People  have already caught on to their bullshit .They are both mentally unfit to coach young kids

After reading this thread, JP, CO, KD, MR, Sal and any one else posting crap should not  be allowed around children, including their own. You people are crazy! If I ran the hockey team your kid played on , I'd throw you all out. PHC, LF, FE, FY should be ashamed of all of you. And don't just blame this on FE and the post about a kid. You are all at fault. Grow the f*ck up!

As a parent if a rink is coming on here to bash the parent and kid that parent has every right to stick up for his family new season everyone move on

Again you all should be ashamed. People who bashed your kid and you, you who attacked people at rink, people using r word, people accusing others of abusing- kids, alcohol, drugs, people disparaging a veteran, people calling someone a Karen. It was all terrible even if you are defending family. I am embarrassed to call myself a hockey mom. Everone needs to move on and stop acting like children. New season, new teams, new rinks. Everyone- Grow the hell up!


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