I don't think parents demand it. I just think AAA is a better bang for the buck now. More ice time, video, skills & off ice for the about a 20% higher price than AA. Now that AA is pure ages and the AHF exists, the travel for AAA is about the same as AA AHF. So when you compare what you get for AAA to AA the 20% is cheaper. If you take the AAA offering: extra practice, double the amount of skills, weekly trainer, off season free ice, 4 tournaments/showcases and price that out if you had to pay ala carte along with AA offering, the price is actually cheaper at AAA. The competition is better in the THF than AHF too. THF is basically a AA league and AHF AA is basically A, with the exception of the top 3-4 teams in each league. I saw AA AHF teams try to play in AAA tournaments with THF teams last season and they got smoked! There should be 4 AAA teams in the SEPA/ SNJ area. No more than that. If the AAHA just lowers the # of charters then AA and below will have much better teams. Remember there are only so many AA players too, so by having so many AAA teams, it trickles down to every other level. The problem with Pure Age teams at AA is there are not enough AA players to fill the slots. It used to be a AA team had 85% top age and then 15% lower age kids that could play at that high level. Now it is maybe 5 AA players and the rest A for all AA Pure Teams. If the # of AAA teams is lowered, but AA starts offering the same structure as AAA, most parents will pay that cost. The extra letter has nothing to do with it!
As far at 2015 PHC, they had 1 win, 1 1 goal loss and 3 3-4 goal loses. I would not call that steamrolled. This team is probably the best 2015 AAA team in PA & NJ but most of the kids on that team are not used to playing that high a level yet. It will take them time. The real issue with that team is how the so called "superstar" kids jell. Most of the tope kids on that team hate to pass which is a must at AAA. No matter how talented a kid is, they will not be able to skate and stickhandle thru 5 players at the AAA level.