
2020 Suburban High School Hockey League

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NJ Youth Hockey Forum

Youth Hockey Info SHSHL Ice Hockey Contributors - If interested in writing for your team please Contact Us

How it works. Each writer must be present at the game(s) they intend to write a post-game report for. We can discuss logistics and/or accessibility issues, you will however need transportation to and from each event. Once the report is complete, the writer will email their report to Youth Hockey Info. The report will be reviewed and/or edited then posted. Every post game report will also be shared on Facebook and Twitter. All reports will be archived exclusively on each writer's personal page.
Meet Our Staff

Erik Jesberger

North Penn Knights
Ice Hockey sports writer

Jack Morgan

Council Rock North Indians
Ice Hockey sports writer

Falcons Beat

Pennsbury Falcons
Ice Hockey sports writer

Golden Hawks News

CR South Golden Hawks
Ice Hockey sports writer

Future Writer

Ice Hockey sports writer

Future Writer

Ice Hockey sports writer

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