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Teams leaving the NJYHL for AHF

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The Colts didn't willingly leave NJYHL.  Most of the better players left the Colonial and Devils organization to play on the Colts.  The Colonials and Devils organization threatened to pull their organizations from the NJYHL so NJYHL kicked the Colts from the league.

It was a pretty cowardly move from all involved.  Maybe if they ran their respective organizations better players would not be switching teams. 

who is left on the nj and how long before all the leagues fold BB has taken everything over even the tournament's

Still a good number of teams left in NJYHL. All listed on homepage of the league's website. They have lost teams but don't appear to be in trouble at this time.

The Wolfpack tier 2 teams will be in the AHF following their AAA teams who are in the THF. Look at how weak the 18A division was in the NJ, yes our one wolfpack team was strong but the rest of the division is a joke. I look forward to the merger for we can play better competition in meaningful games instead of a couple nonleague/ tournament games that tested us. We can go partial season and play just as much as the NJ full season was and still shutdown for scholastic hockey, it's a win-win.

REdbank leaving NJYHL for AHF too


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