Author Topic: Goalie Playing time when 2 Goalies  (Read 175 times)



Goalie Playing time when 2 Goalies
Topic: February 01, 2025, 01:57:04 PM
I am new this forum and somewhat new to ice hockey, but not sports.  My grandson is a Goalie on a 18U team that has 2 Goalies.  They both get along great and help each other.  All season the coach has used a game rotation system which both goalies liked.  Last week the coach told them he would no longer use a rotation system. With no explanation why.  Both kids are very respectful and never question the coach so they did not ask questions.   There was a game this week and the coach did not tell them who would be playing until the day of the game. My grandson was not playing however, if the rotation system that was used all Sean was used it would have been his turn.
I do not understand why a coach would change the goalie playing system without explaining to the kids WHY and to me most importantly to the kids, what criteria is being used to determine who is starting. Seems kids need to know that.  I totally understand a coach needs to make decisions based on what they feel best.  Should there not be some criteria ie, PERFORMANCE DURING PRACTICE, GAME PERFORMANCE or NEED FOR SPECIFIC GOALIES SKILLS against an opponent ??
While kids are just accepting the new plan without question,  I feel something is drastically wrong with what is taking place.  Having coached various kids sports over the years I totally don’t understand this.  But like I mentioned I am totally new to ice hockey.   Can someone give me their thoughts on this coaches approach?
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Reply #1:
 February 03, 2025, 08:56:59 AM
My son is also a goalie. To wait this long into the season to make this change really doesn't make sense. Are the 2 goalies similar in playing style? Is the team making a playoff push? Some coaches go with the hot hand if they are. Is one a senior and not coming back so the coach is giving him more ice time?

My son, now also 18U, had coaches over the years that use a match up system vs every other game system. The coach that did match ups knew after the 1st couple weeks of practice how he wanted the goalies to play. If we played a fast team that moved the puck around my son played because he was more mobile in the net. If the team was a blast a pray type of team the other goalie started because he was big and took up more of the net. He guaranteed 1 game each if we had 2 in a weekend, if only 1 game it was strictly match up based.

The flaw your kids coach has is not telling them ahead of time who is playing. My son's old teammate at 16U refused to play on a Sat because he wasn't given a minimum of 24hrs notice to mentally prepare for his start. He thought he'd get Sunday's game instead, my son played both games that weekend. My son said a goalie should always be ready to play but some need the notice.

Using practice is flawed and he only had 1 coach at bantam try that approach. The coach learned quickly that the goalie that gave over "110%" at practice was not good in actual games at all, over 7GAA with a save % under .800. To be honest my son doesn't always give 100% at practice but always shows up at gametime, around 3GAA with a save % just under .900 that season.

Hope this helps a little, but probably not.

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Reply #2:
 February 03, 2025, 12:51:58 PM
Thank you very much for your response. Both Goalies are the same age.  Skill level I would say about the same. Both goalies are 15 and very good friends and plan on trying out for the team again next year.   The teams win loss record through the season with either goalies is about the same.  In other words each goalie has about the same numbers of wins and losses. They are not in the playoffs.  Have a few games left.  Just at a loss why the sudden change with no explanation to the kids.  I just wanted to get some insight this situation.   The main thing for me is that the kids seem fine (although guess you never know). Too me makes no sense to tell the kids why a change.    Again thank you very much for getting back to me with your comments insight it is very much appreciated
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Reply #3:
 February 03, 2025, 01:03:11 PM
Hi  also forgot to mention that this is a Travel Team.  Don't see how this has any bearing on the issue, I just forgot to mention that
Take care and Good Luck for the team
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