Forum > General Youth Hockey Info

Livebarn off, parent streaming to parking lot??

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We started out using Zoom, but switched to Facebook live . It was a better quality video.

Any streaming service will be limited by bandwidth.  It really only works well with good wifi connection. 

We use an iPad and Periscope private group.  At the same time the game is streaming, I use the screen recorder on the ipad.  This allows me to upload better quality recording to a private YouTube channel (technically - I upload the videos as unlisted and send out links).  The quality on the youtube upload will be much higher than the streamed quality.  It also helps keep the videos around longer since Periscope removes them for everyone except the creator after 24 hours.

The screen recorder takes up a lot of space and takes hours to "write" to the camera roll.  I suggest dropping the recording settings from 1024 to 720 to make the size more manageable.  You also will not have sound on the YouTube videos.... but it is something that you can actually see.

Why do you send out links to the game while you watch streaming live? Wont that screw up your internet speed streaming and uploadin g at the same time?


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