
2020 Suburban High School Hockey League

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NJ Youth Hockey Forum

<a href=",76.0.html">Jefferson Health Flyers Skate Zone (Philadelphia, PA)</a>

<a href=",77.0.html">Twin Ponds East (Harrisburg, PA)</a>

<a href=",78.0.html">Chester County Skating Club (Kennett Square, PA)</a>

<a href=",79.0.html">Patriot Ice Center (Newark, DE)</a>

<a href=",80.0.html">Fred Rust Arena (Newark, DE)</a>

<a href=",81.0.html">Centre Ice Rink Delaware State Fairgrounds (Harrington, DE)</a>

<a href=",82.0.html">Ice Works Quad Rinks (Aston, PA)</a>

<a href=",83.0.html">Power Play Ice Rink(Exton, PA)</a>

<a href=",244.0.html">Grundy Hockey Rink (Bristol, PA)</a>

<a href=",85.0.html">Hatfield Ice (Colmar, PA)</a>

<a href=",86.0.html">Skatium Ice Rink (Haverford, PA)</a>

<a href=",88.0.html">Lancaster Ice Rink (Lancaster, PA)</a> 

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