
2020 Suburban High School Hockey League

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Sunday, September 10, 2023 | Youth Hockey Info


The Suburban High School Hockey League is changing the way games are scored

SHSHL introduces new way to score games

By: SHSHL News

HATFIELD, PA - In with the new, out with the old. With a new season on the horizon, the Suburban High School Hockey League has overhauled their website and will be introducing a new way to score games. No longer will games be scored with Sportsengine, they will now be scored live via iPad. In conjunction with the changes the website has also changed and in doing so, the last eight years of standings, and statistics have disappeared. Whether the past results and individual stats are to be added back remains to be seen.

The League will hold a training session for "Gamesheets" sometime later this month or in the beginning of October.

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