Author Topic: Los Angeles Jr Kings Suspend 3 coaches and 15 players  (Read 5723 times)


A Los Angeles youth hockey team has suspended three coaches and 15 players in connection with a video that showed a player making a Nazi salute and others making what sound like anti-Semitic remarks.

A nine-second video was first posted on social media and showed "one player appearing to do a Nazi salute and other players making what sound like anti-Semitic remarks," according to Strang.

The Los Angeles Jr. Kings are independently run, but the program reportedly uses the Kings' practice facility in El Segundo, Calif.

Today the LAJK communicated to the players & coaches that as a component of their suspension they will be required to participate in a mandatory educational program comprised of sensitivity and social media training administered by outside professionals experienced in impactful positive youth education," the LA Jr. Kings said in a statement posted to their website on Friday. "We are a club that prides itself on being a community; one that fosters values such as friendship, respect and teamwork, and upholds ideals like diversity, equality and tolerance."

Any further action against the LA Jr. Kings will be handled by SafeSport, an investigative organization that, "aims to prevent all forms of abuse within the national governing bodies under the U.S Olympic Committee’s umbrella.

Jr Kings Statement
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