With only a few weeks left of school the inevitible expectation is boredom. Lots of sitting around with nothing to do but stare at phones, tablets or computer screens.
Outside of the obvious plans our kids might already have, (Fortnite) lets discuss other options which involve keeping them active.
Your son or daughters 2019 - 20
youth hockey season is over, tryouts are done, (hopefully they are on the team they hoped to be). If not there's always another option.
Check the list to see if there's another team still looking to add players.
Back to the off season, some are involved in other organized sports activities like baseball, Lacrosse and soccer but what about those of whom are not? We've got some ideas which include getting them outside to not only enjoy the warm weather and sunshine but most importantly, keep them active.
- Limit Screen time - Devise an off season plan which includes activities to keep your kids sharp, while they still have fun. Make a deal with them to get them outside at least 3 times a day, 1 hr each time. For each hour outside they earn xx amount of time on the screens.
- Stick handling - Have them use a golf ball, hockey ball, tennis ball or street hockey puck if there is no option to use an ice hockey puck.
- Practice moves - Have them use cones as obstacles. If cones are not an option they can also use hockey pucks, sneakers or pieces of wood, anything really. Practicing moves can be done with sneakers or roller blades. There is no need to do anything difficult. The objective is to practice agility and eye - hand coordination.
- Shooting - Have them set something up to challenge them while they shoot. You don't need to go buy a shooter tutor, have them use their imagination with using obstacles. An old chair, buckets, unused wood, honestly anything can be used to work on shooting accuracy.
- Roller Blading - There are all kinds of skating drills that can be practiced which don't require any additional devices or hardware. Skating up small hills or inclines forward and backward. Practicing 1 foot outside and inside edge turns. Pivoting and transitions from forward to backward and vice versa.
Other options
- Sticks and pucks - All rinks have sticks and pucks during the summer. If you're a work from home family, take the laptop the rink and let them skate around shooting once or twice a week.
- The 10,000 Puck Challenge - This is a great opportunity to offer them a reward for accomplishing a goal to reach 10,000 shots. Reward them for milestones. Each time they hit a milestone they get something in return. *Rewards are an option, sometimes that's what motivates children to accomplish a common goal. *NOTE: Hockeyshare is a free site to record shots for the challenge, but it does require a registration
If anybody has any other fun ideas, please feel free to comment!