Author Topic: Common Basic Hockey References and Advanced Terminology  (Read 31216 times)

A quick reference guide to understanding common references and comments made in casual discussion.

Do you have something to add which might be helpful? Have you heard something mentioned in or around the rink and are uncertain of? Comment below. Depending on the specificity of the reply we may or may not add to the list.

500: A team that wins half of its games is said to be a 500 team. Meaning they win 50% of their games. A team above 500 wins most of its games. A team below 500 loses most of its games

5 on 4: When a team has a one-man advantage (5 players against 4) on the Power Play

5 on 3: When a team has a two-man advantage (5 players against 3) on the Power Play

Assist: One or two players that assisted the goal scoring in scoring the goal. Typically, by passing to the goal scorer.

Apple: Another term used for an "assist".

Backhand: A pass or shot that is taken from the backside of the blade of the stick.

Backchecking: Rushing back to the defensive zone in response to the other team’s offensive attack.

Bardown: A goal made by an offensive player which hits the crossbar or rear bar inside the net and the puck drops straight down behind the goal line.

Benched: When a player isn't playing well due to on ice issues coaches will commonly sit them. In which case they miss shifts, parts of games or the entire game.

Bending The Twine: Common reference when scoring a goal.

Bird Cage, (aka Cage): A wire full face cage.

Biscuit: Another name for a hockey puck.

Blocker: The rectangular pad a goalie wears on the hand that holds his stick.

Blowing a Tire: When a player falls down for no reason.

Boner, (aka Zam or Boni): Nickname for Zamboni.

Breaking Another Players Ankles: No it doesn't mean to go break another players ankles. It's a reference made when an offensive player dekes out a defensive player and the defenseman is left unable to turn quickly enough or falls down.

Breakout: When a team moves the puck out of their defensive zone towards the opponent’s goal.

Bubble mask, (aka fish bowl): Full face shield, used in place of traditional full face wire cage.

Bucket: A player’s helmet.

Cancer, (aka Locker room cancer): Refers to a player who causes problems with other players, typically doesn't listen to the coaches and isn't a team player.

Celly: Pronounced cell-ee. Is commonly used as a reference to a celebration after scoring a goal.

Catching Glove or Trapper: The glove the goal uses to catch the puck. Worn on the nonstick holding hand.

Cherry Picking: When a player stays near the offensive zone hoping to get a pass and a breakaway.

Chicklets: A player’s teeth.

Chirp (chirping): The art of getting under one's skin, otherwise known as intimidation by use of verbal taunts.

Clapper: Another name for a slapshot.

Cycling the Puck: Moving the puck around the boards down low in the offensive zone. The purpose is to work the puck around and maintain possession of the puck until a scoring opportunity arises.

Dangle: When a player does a series of dekes and goes around opposing players.

Delayed Offside: When a player enters the offensive zone before the puck but does not touch the puck it is a Delayed Offside. If the player subsequently touches the puck then it is offside and the whistle is blown to stop play. If the player exits the offensive zone without touching the puck there is no offside.

Deke: When a player moves the puck, and makes moves that allow him to get past the opposing player.

Denting The Net: Common reference when scoring a goal.

Drop Pass: When a player passes the puck behind himself to a teammate.

Dump and Chase: An offensive strategy where the puck is shot into the other team’s defensive zone and the attacking players go in to retrieve the puck.

Five Hole: The space between a goalie’s legs.

FNG: "F***ing New Guy, a rookie. This is commonly referenced at midget level.

Forechecking: When a team attempts to exit their defensive zone the other team’s forwards attack the puck carriers and put pressure on them to turn over the puck.

Gordie Howe Hat Trick: When a player has a fight, a goal, and an assist all in one game.

Goon: A player who typically doesn't possess goal scoring skills and instead plays cheap and dirty to intimidate the other teams players.

Grinder: A player who's responsibility is mainly to play down low and get greasy, ie dirty, digging for the puck to create opportunities for the more skilled players. Also called a "mucker".

Hash Marks: The straight lines in the face off circles in front of both nets.

Hat Trick: When a player accumulates 3 goals over the course of one game.

Healthy Scratch: When a player is not dressed to play even though he is not injured.

Icing: It occurs when a player shoots the puck from behind the center red line, across the opposing team's goal line, and the puck remains untouched.

Lid: A players helmet.

Mucker: A player who's responsibility is mainly to play down low and get greasy, ie dirty, digging for the puck to create opportunities for the more skilled players. Also called a "grinder".

Natural Hat Trick: When a player accumulates 3 goals one after another with no teammates scoring in between.

Offsides: Offsides is called on a offensive player who enters the attacking zone prior to the puck entering it. This player must be on the team with possession of the puck. ... The puck has to also be completely over the blue line.

Odd Man Rush: When a team enters the attacking zone and has more players than the defending team. If the attacking team has two players and there is one defender then they have a 2 on 1 Odd Man Rush. If the attacking team has three players and there are two defenders then they have a 3 on 2.

One timer: Shooting the puck from a pass without first receiving the pass.

Penalty Kill: When one team is playing with one or two less players due to penalties. The team with the lesser players is playing shorthanded. The team with less players is on the Penalty Kill.

Playmaker: A player that creates plays that setup his teammates to score. Playmaker’s generally have more assists than goals and play the Center position.

Plumber: A player with skills but doesn't want to do the work to use them. He/she instead piggy backs off of the higher end players to score goals.

Plus/Minus: This is player statistic used to evaluate the player’s offensive and defensive effectiveness. If the player is on the ice when his team scores he gets a point ( a plus). If the player is on the ice when his team gets scored on he losses a point (a minus). Plus\Minus is not applied during Power Plays or Penalty Kills.

Poke Check: When a player uses his stick to poke the puck away from the player carrying the puck.

Power Play: When one team is playing with one or two more players due to penalties. The team with more players is playing with the man advantage. The team with more players is on the Power Play. Typically, the team on the Power Play has a 5 on 4 (5 players against 4) or a 5 on 3 (5 players against 3).

Prime Real Estate: The area above the top of the goalie half moon and between the bottom of the face off circles inside the offensive zone. Typically known as the best area to shoot the puck.

Rock Pile: A group of rookies.

Rook: 1st year player, "rookie".

Sauce: Teammates will compliment each other on effectively completing a saucer pass, ie "Nice sauce, eh" ~ see saucer pass.

Saucer Pass: A deliberate pass made where the passer chips the puck up, (typically to avoid the opposition from cutting off the pass or deflecting it) in an even motion the puck glides flatly through the air to his teammates blade cleanly.

Shut Down Player: A player with strong defensive skills that is assigned to the other team’s top scorer to prevent him from scoring.

Sieve: A reference made toward a goalie who can't seem to stop a puck and allows many to go into the net.

Sin Bin: The Penalty Box.

Slot: The area in between the face off circles in both the offensive and defensive zones.

Snipe: A shot typically placed with pinpoint accuracy in which case it appears the goalie never had a chance.

Sniper: Refers to a player who has a particular talent of putting the puck in the net from any angle anywhere on the ice in the offensive zone.

Stay at Home Defenceman: A Defenceman that is very strong defensively that rarely plays offensively.

Stick Checking: Using your stick to interfere with other opponents stick by hitting it when he is carrying the puck

Strong Side: If you split the ice surface down the middle horizontally the strong side is the side where the puck is.

Support: When your teammate has the puck, you provide support by moving to an open area to provide him with a passing option.

The Jungle: Refers to Junior B hockey, a place where Junior A hopefuls find themselves if they think they still have a chance at making A.

Toe Drag: Dragging the puck on the ice with the tip (toe) of the blade rather than pushing the puck with the bottom edge of the blade.

Top Cheddar: See top shelf.

Top Shelf: A goal made by an offensive player which goes high into the net typically under the crossbar.

Two Way Forward: A forward that plays both a strong offensive and defensive game.

Twig: Another name for a hockey stick.

Weak Side: If you split the ice surface down the middle horizontally the weak side is the side where the puck is not.

Wrap Around: Scoring from behind the net by quickly moving the puck to the front of the net.

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