Author Topic: NJ Colonials Coach Charged After Fight With Players Parent  (Read 27631 times)

MORRISTOWN, NJ — A coach for a youth hockey league was charged following a fight with a parent at the Mennen Arena ice rink, Morris County Park Police said. It's not clear if the coach is still coaching.

Scuffle starts @ 1:46 inside the lobby at the front doorway. Morea is seen running back inside and begins throwing punches as soon as he enters back into the rink.

John Morea, 29, was charged with simple assault at a youth sporting event, threatening to kill, attempting to cause bodily injury to another and driving after having his license suspended or revoked in connected to the Oct. 27 fight, police reports say. Morea's father, Thomas Morea, 40, was also charged with simple assault at a youth sporting event and attempting to cause bodily injury to another.

In videos provided to Patch, John Morea is seen leaving the lobby of the ice rink around 8:50 p.m., before an apparent argument starts between Thomas Morea and another person. John Morea is seen running inside and throwing punches. The victim's identity was redacted from police reports; identified that person as a player's parent.

John Morea did not respond to Patch's request for comment.

The entire incident appears to take place in under a minute, although after being removed from the lobby John Morea can be seen trying to get back inside. Bystanders block the door. (The incident starts around 1:45 into the video in the left of the screen, above)

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