The EJEPL announces temporary showcase modifications to the standard format for the immediate future.

Dear Owners, General Managers, Coaches, and Team Managers,
As we continue to plan for the upcoming August Showcase within the ever-changing landscape, guidelines, and protocols of the world around us, I am reaching out to make you aware of an adjustment to the August Showcase. At this time, as per the Governor of Pennsylvania and Atlantic Amateur Hockey Association Affiliate President, only 25 people are allowed in a rink at time to compete in games. To that end, the EJEPL is proposing the following set up for the August Showcase:
- Games will consist of two, twenty-two minute stop time halves with a three minute
- For each half, teams can dress a maximum of 10 players
- This maximum of 10 players can either be 8 skaters and 2 goalies, or 9 skaters
and 1 goalie
- Teams may change their personnel for each half or even during each period
- Teams can also shuttle players between the bench and the locker room during the
game, provided only 10 players are on the ice and bench combined at one time.
- At most facilities we will be using for this event, players do not need to cross
the ice to get to and from the locker room. This allows for changing
personnel during the periods with ease.
If a team has 15 players on their roster and the coach chooses to only change players at half time, players 1-10 can dress for the first half while players 11-15 are in the locker room fully dressed with their face covering on. Players 11-15 are not allowed to be visible from the ice surface while they are waiting. At half time, players 1-5 go to the locker room and put their face covering on to wait for the end of the game, while players 11-15 come out of the locker room and join players 6-10 on the bench to play the second half (unless a coach decides to change during the period as stated above).
- Each team will only be allowed one coach on the bench, and that coach must wear
a face covering at all times
- There will be one scorekeeper (wearing a face covering) and two officials for each
- Parents will not be allowed in the rink to watch games
- Parents can watch from a restaurant/bar in facilities that allow or can watch on
LiveBarn on their phone or computer
The above proposal will allow for the following:
- Games will be allowed to be played getting kids back in a competitive playing
environment which we are all itching to do
- More ice time for players as only two lines will be dressed for each half of the game
- More ice time for players who normally do not log large amounts of ice time
While we know this is in no way an ideal situation, the EJEPL is committed to doing everything it can within its power to play games. We want to make sure we do so following all governmental guidelines to ensure player safety, which is of our utmost priority.
Along with everyone else, we are extremely hopeful that things will improve and change in a positive direction to allow us to get back to a more “normal” hockey environment prior to the showcase. We have been in direct contact with the Affiliate President on multiple occasions and he is actively lobbying Government officials to allow for more capacity inside each rink which would in turn also increase the maximum number of players for each team on the bench.
Please discuss the above set up with your organization and your coaches. On Friday, August 14, EJEPL Staff will call each organization that has already committed to the August Showcase to re-verify if they will still be attending with all their teams.
If you know before that point that your organization/team(s) is/are IN or OUT, please email me immediately,
[email protected] to let me know.
This plan has been well received by officials at USA Hockey and may become the standard bearer in the interim until things become more normal.
In the meantime, if you have any questions please do not hesitate to reach out and contact me.
All the best,
Henry Lazar